
The Institute of FoodDog Arts is a not-for-profit educational co-op, focussing on the betterment of world food supplies through collective cooking knowledge. An experiment in open-source cooking, we're harnessing the power of the Superhighway for the kitchen.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Gnocchi..made from potato, not scratch...

Yes, finally I decided to reenter the arena of fresh pasta (after last year's not rolled thin enough fettucini). I thought that gnocchi, with the potential to be one of my favorite foods at Italian restaurants, although they often disappoint, deserved a shot.

As I had a basic recipe calling for waxy potatoes as well as a supply of said waxy potatoes (determined via a salt water float test proscribed by Jeffrey Steingarden in totally mashed) I decided to give it a go. After estimating 2 pounds of potatoes (really do need to get that kitchen scale) I boiled, riced and then mixed with flour, and egg and some nutmeg.

They weren’t the prettiest I’ve ever seen (if anyone has any gnocchi forming insight please share it with me) possibly because they were too sticky inside. But they were light and fluffy and very nice…

One thing I really did learn though…a store bought sauce, no matter how good, really just won’t stand up to home made gnocchi! (Anyone have a good sauce recipe I would love to hear about it also).


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